Making Space

Text graphic with the words "MAKING SPACE" in dark blue and orange, with dynamic letter spacing emphasizing the concept of making space.


Making Space is a talent acquisition and learning platform for companies to train, access and retain Disabled talent.

The Problem

Disabled people are 2x more likely to be unemployed & 3x more likely to live in poverty. And in addition, 1 trillion dollars is being spent by corporations on turnover costs annually and there are unprecedented labor shortages. Governments are spending over $600B on federal contracts every year and only 13% of those who receive those contracts are meeting the government's mandatory quotas (7% of a contractor's workforce must identify as Disabled).

The Solution

We enable companies to create their own accessible education for talent to self-enroll and pre-qualify themselves. Creating a tangible journey to employment and promotions through data. And in turn bringing down hiring times, improving retention and creating better outcomes. We have built software for companies to augment talent pipelines filled with talent who have validated their skills that are specific to open roles & active jobs, enabling our partners to uncover perfect fit candidates using data and becoming a seamless integration with existing infrastructure, in addition to providing career mobility & advancement opportunities. We have an AI Self-ID tool that helps employees confidently self-identify. It transforms their lived experiences into professional strengths and transferable skills, in turn supporting their educational and career pathways. For corporations, this tool provides more precise data on the disabled population in their organization.

  • Team Size:
  • Location:
    United States
  • Founders:
    Keely Cat-Wells
  • Program(s):
    App icon with a purple background displaying the text "Accelerator 2024" in white.

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