
"Leantime" wordmark logo in blue with a stylized clock icon incorporated into the letter 'm'.


Leantime is a people-first project management system using AI and behavioral science to help non-project managers and those with ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism better manage their work. For the sake of length, there's also this one: Leantime is a people-first project management system using AI and behavioral science to help non-project managers and neurodiverse thinkers better manage their work.

The Problem

There are 1 billion knowledge workers in the world struggling to manage disparate data, uncertainty and lack of clarity around company goals. This results in workers that are overwhelmed, frustrated, and thinking of quitting. The tools we use to manage our work, like Jira, Asana, and Monday.com, aren't supporting these workers. These 12-20 year old systems were built for linear workflows -- where step 1, step 2, step 3 got you somewhere. Work is no longer linear and is now complex, cross functional and cross timezone. But not only are these systems not supporting work in general -- they are not supporting the work needs of the 1 in 5 neurodivergent individuals -- the needs of someone with ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia -- and the things they need to work successfully are not communicated in these tools and often not by the companies either.

The Solution

Leantime is a people-first project management system that simplifies work management and combines it with AI and the behavioral science proven to improve engagement, productivity and profitability. Bringing a holistic take to a $3.9 trillion digital transformation market, Leantime supports neurodivergent knowledge workers by addressing that up to 73% of a project’s success depends on the people and in a market where tools focus more on deadlines than the needs of the workers. We start with a simplifying project management while empowering the features essential to run a project; including task management, strategy, goals, idea management, & the ability to see both in detail and at a high level overview. We then connect goals and visions to daily work. Through a data layer, we use AI to hold the context of the work. We then combine AI with behavioral science to make the work personal and enable you to focus on the right things at the right time.

  • Team Size:
  • Location:
    United States
  • Founders:
    Gloria Folaron, Marcel Folaron
  • Program(s):
    App icon with a purple background displaying the text "Accelerator 2024" in white.

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