
A combination of a blue and orange abstract shape with rounded edges, forming a triangular cutout in the middle.


SpendAble are making financial independence accessible to everyone regardless of age, ability or background 

The Problem

1 in 2 participants will experience financial abuse or fraud in their lifetime. SpendAble fills the gap by offering a secure solution designed for providers, participants and their allies. The problem for providers — Service providers can’t satisfy Quality & Safeguard AND Restrictive Practice obligations with existing solutions when supporting participants to pay in supported accommodation, group or community access settings. The problem for participants — It’s risky for support workers to handle money for participants who need support to spend their money. Cash or card sharing leave participants unprotected.

The Solution

Thousands of participants, support workers and Australia's leading providers trust SpendAble to protect them when support workers need to spend their money on behalf of participants plus build participant skills and capacity, in one easy-to-use system. 1. SpendAble allows funds to be added to a secure account. 2. Trusted service providers, and carers are then connected to pay on behalf of the participant securely. 3. Money can be segmented into budgets to support the participant to make positive decisions with their money, plus ensure that carers always pay in line with the rules set by the family or guardian. Whether the participant or a support worker pays, SpendAble tracks every dollar, identifying what was spent, where, by who and with all receipts and evidence. SpendAble is the only solution ensuring end-to-end client fund management compliance for service providers, while supporting participants to build their skills and independence all in one easy--to-use system.

  • Team Size:
  • Location:
  • Founders:
    Josh Byron, Chris Kessaris, Reece Miller
  • Program(s):
    App icon with a purple background displaying the text "Accelerator 2024" in white.

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